Can’t wait to see the demo for Lacey’s game
Can’t wait to see the demo for Lacey’s game
Therapy is the full game
hey papi, can i go swimming in the lake?
no boy there's a monster in that lake, and he's gonna cut you up
Very cool
One weird and the other stupid B)
didn't Squidward made a cameo in this?
He did, after Sponge Bob and Patrick dried up in shell city he joined team Gurren and ended up having the most spiral energy of the whole cast. The anti spiral war would of been FOR NOTHING if he wasn't there. Anyone who downplays his contributions should be sided eyed until their face starts melting like Indiana Jones.
When you see stupid sexy Flanders
When the pesky plumbers are going to door to door selling toast and toasters
this is too adorable
i love it
"let's try it out"
What were they thinking!?
Bald E
Joined on 3/18/24